March 18 – 24

This week on NCTV, we’ll check in on some of the sights and sounds of the season, plus we learn about America’s 44th president, President Barrack Obama.

Spring Colors @ Pres. Barack Obama
6:30 AM (Daily) Monday - Sunday
12:30 PM (Daily) Monday - Sunday
5 PM Monday & Wednesday
9 PM Monday & Wednesday
Westmoreland City Council
5 PM Tuesday
Lafayette City Council
5 PM Thursday

Spring Colors @ Pres. Barack Obama
6:30 AM (Daily) Monday - Sunday
12:30 PM (Daily) Monday - Sunday
5 PM Monday & Wednesday
9 PM Monday & Wednesday

Red Boiling Springs High School Baseball/Softball
2 PM Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8 PM Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Westmoreland High School Baseball/Softball
4 PM Monday, Wednesday, Friday
10 PM Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Allen County-Scottsville High School Baseball/Softball
12 PM Monday, Wednesday, Friday
6 PM Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Smith County High School Baseball/Softball
12 PM Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
6 PM Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Macon County High School Baseball/Softball
2 PM Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
8 PM Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
High School Boys Soccer
10 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


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